Get ready for change to happen.

Best Way to Lose Weight!

And Keep It Off!

Why should you listen to me?

Well, I used to be a fitness trainer and trained bodybuilders. I was also a pharmaceutical sales rep for over 20 years in which I've called on every specialty of medicine except for Pediatrics. So, I've spoken to a lot of doctors throughout the years about a lot of different things and have gained quite a bit of wisdom in the process. However, I am not a medical doctor, nor do I speak for a medical doctor. Remember, you should consult a doctor before starting any exercise program and/or supplements. Anything you feel like you need to talk to your doctor about, please do.

I will also reference my father a lot who happens to be 96 years old, driving, going to his meetings and doing excellent! People always ask him how in the world have you been able to live so long and function like he did in his younger years, still be sharp enough to drive and live a happy life? My dad's answer to long life is to have faith in Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit as well as listening to your body.

We have also added wonderful resources that are underlined as hyperlinks that will help you on your weight loss journey. We also have a Resource Page that includes proven healthy fast weight loss strategies. You definitely want to visit that page. My goals is to make this as easy for you as possible. However, do your due diligence and research if necessary.

If you follow these recommendations, YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT! But just as importantly, keep it off!

A New Resolve...

The first thing you need to know and say to yourself daily in the mirror is “I can do this! I will do this!” You have to be committed to the process even when you don’t see immediate changes. In fact, I recommend NOT looking at the scale for 1 month. Building muscle burns fat but muscle is heavier than fat. So although you will be burning the fat, you may not see the difference on the scale right away.

Additionally, I was listening to this educational program on weight loss and there was a nutritional expert saying that the most dangerous type of fat is visceral fat. And the challenge is that it goes around your organs which you can't see. The fat that you typically see on your body is after the organs have already had the visceral fat around them. Visceral fat around your organs is dangerous. He said when you're on a weight loss journey, that fat goes away first around the organs but you don’t see that fat. Many times, people will give up because they don't see an outward expression of fat loss because the fat is eliminated first from the internal organs.

He said the most important thing is to get the fat off your organs because that's what could hurt our bodies and cause all sorts of health issues. Please keep in mind that this is a marathon and not a Sprint.

Our bodies are trying to work with us to keep us here as long as possible and to be happy and healthy. The body needs us to work with it and we need to work with our body. We are a team, and we need to work together to make sure that our bodies are optimal so we can be happier and feel even better than before.

A Change of Mindset...

One thing you need to know right up front is that this is not an overnight process. You're not going to wake up tomorrow 20 pounds lighter than you were the day before unless something is seriously wrong. You must be DISCIPLINED and CONSISTENT throughout this process. Bodybuilders go to the gym even when they don't feel like going.

This is something you're going to have to continue throughout your life. Keep in mind that your body must be your priority. No one, other than God Himself, should know your body better than you do. Your doctor shouldn't even know your body better than you do. Most doctors have hundreds of patients… do you think they know every one of their patients’ bodies 100%? No, they don't. You must put the effort into your body because it's the only one you're going to have in this lifetime.

Another thing you're going to have to realize is that you are going to have to change the way you take care of your body. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. So, you have to do something different. You're going to have to make some changes in the way you eat, the supplements you take, adding or adjusting your exercises which should also include cardio and weight training as well and additional activities that will assist you in your weight loss journey.

The body was not meant to consistently deal with obesity. It puts a strain on your organs and that's why so many additional issues, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease which is the number one killer in the United States, cancer and all other sorts of issues occur. If you follow these recommendations, you will not only lose weight and keep it off but also feel more energetic and also be happier overall.

Losing Belly Fat

You need to realize that belly fat is typically one of the last areas that is diminished when you're trying to shed pounds. Now there's a lot of controversy by different fitness trainers as to whether it's the first it goes or the last it goes but the bottom line is if you continue the strategy that we recommend, it will definitely go. I have used this waist trimmer with tremendous success. (Please see section below.)

Remember what I said about my father, listen to your body. Our body communicates with us all the time. And unfortunately, the people that end up leaving this earth early do so because many times they ignore what their body has been trying to tell them. God typically always gives red flags before tragedy strikes. Learn to listen to the red flags. Pain, discomfort, shortness of breath, dizziness, etc. are all indicators that you should stop doing what you are doing. Learn to listen to your body.

Make sure you're always drinking a lot of water when you're working out or exercising. Your body is made up of mostly water and you need to make sure your body is sufficiently hydrated. You may also want to get the heart monitor, FitBit trackers or other type of trackers that you feel like you need to monitor your blood pressure, heart rate, etcetera. You may also need to go to the doctor first to get checked out to make sure it's OK for you to exercise.

Make sure you're getting a physical every year. That's the bare minimum of what you should do. We will talk about that a little bit later as well. My doctor is proud to say that he does more testing than the average doctor in physicals which can help determine red flags that may need to be addressed. Doctors are important in your health journey.

However, you may need to get more testing done to make sure your primary levels are in good standing. Most doctors have an app where you can see your testing so that you don’t duplicate what they have already done. You may also have to pay for these tests out of pocket. But it is your body and you have to keep that optimal to live a long life.

Lose belly fat concept from close up woman in sportswear with hand holding her own belly fat and cellulite.
Woman Showing Off Her Abs

Waist Trimmers

Waist trimmers with electrical shocks, also referred to as electronic muscle stimulators (EMS) or electric muscle stimulation belts, claim to work by delivering electrical impulses or shocks to the muscles in the abdominal area. The electrical pulses are meant to stimulate muscle contractions and are said to help tone and strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) is a technique that has been used in physical therapy and rehabilitation settings to aid in muscle recovery and improve muscle strength in specific cases.

There are different waist trimmers on the market with various effectiveness. However, I have used this waist trimmer with very good success. (click the link on waist trimmer to see the one that I use). I only recommend this for adult use and you should consider checking with your doctor first before using.

I typically use it once per day although the instructions say that you can use it up to 3 times per day on different areas. Reading some of the testimonials, some people use it on their top, middle and then bottom abs. I alternate on the days that is use it. There are 6 modes with targeted outcomes like lose weight, build muscle, etc.. I usually use it on Mode 5. Additionally, there are up to 15 Levels of intensity (Level 15 is severe and I wouldn't recommend that high for anyone). I use it at Level 6 or 7. The highest I can get up to comfortably is 7.

But it has worked for me and I have seen pretty quick results. Again, you may need to check with your doctor before using because it is using electrical stimulation. If you have a pace maker, heart issues or other health concerns, you shouldn't use this.

Photo of a Woman Sleeping Near Fluffy Clouds


There have been so many studies that show if you don't get enough sleep that you will gain extra weight. The ideal time frame is between 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. Studies have shown that when people were not getting this amount of sleep, that they tend to gain weight .

However, when they slept this optimal time range, most of those people lost or maintained their weight. Make sure you're getting enough sleep every night and that you're not eating right before you go to sleep.

Woman in Silk Flowy Dress on a Clear Day

Also, you need to have fun! Enjoy your life! Do things that make you laugh. Watch a romantic comedy or comedy that keeps you laughing. There have been studies showing that when people laugh, their healing is exponentially increased. Your body loves laughter. The Bible says laughter is a medicine for the soul and it's true. Try to laugh regularly… every day would be nice.

Laughter Is Medicine for Your Soul!

Get a book that's hilarious and makes you laugh. You need to enjoy life. God wants you to enjoy this life! Jesus said that he came to give us life and life more abundantly of happiness, joy, peace and laughter.

The Bible says that God laughs in heaven. Laughter is healthy for our bodies, and you need to do things that you enjoy making

you happy.

Let's Talk About Food...

Let's Talk About Food...

Eat Food Food

One of my previous doctors that I called on as a pharmaceutical sales rep was holistic and also focused on integrative medicine. She said one thing she tells her patients when they ask about what to eat to lose weight is that they need to eat food! Not processed food! She said "food food". She said if you have to look it up in an ingredient list, then most likely it is processed.

So when I asked her for further clarification, she said food... like apples, oranges, meats, vegetables the original food and not a whole bunch of things added to it. Now there's nothing wrong with getting a little bit of seasoning but the point she's trying to make is that you need to eat food that's from the ground or nature or even animals that hasn't been changed by man in regard to adding additional things in it.

(Additional side note: Another reason to do a detox is that a lot of animals have been given supplements of different kinds as well as pesticides being on the grass that they're eating. When you're eating the animal, you're eating what they're eating. So detox is very important to flush all of those toxins out of your body that shouldn't be there.)

Mandarine orange

Cleaner Eating

I have gotten healthier by eating cleaner. One of the things I love to eat is broccoli which is very good for your colon and helps to reduce polyps which nobody wants anyway. But eat food that is good for your body. There are fruits that will give you natural energy in which you don't need to add many or if any supplements to give you energy. I spoke to 1 gentleman at Costco who had lost 25 pounds during the pandemic. He said that typically when he's hungry, he would grab junk food; but instead of that, he decided to eat those Mandarin oranges. I started eating them too and I love them!

Try to eliminate junk food from your diet. What is junk food? Potato chips and all those other chips and cookies that are on that aisle in the grocery store or Walmart and you know what I'm talking about. Even fast food with different types of processed food. Everyone knows that if you eat too many French fries, especially when you get older, you'll start gaining weight as well. Typically, your cholesterol levels will go up too.

Am I saying never to go to your favorite fast-food stores? No, I'm not saying that. But try to reduce the amount of times that you're eating fast food and also maybe even Starbucks.

Watching What You Eat & Drink

I know this someone who has struggled with weight for the longest time. She is constantly going on diets every few months. She doesn't understand why she can't lose the weight but she goes to Starbucks literally every day!! Hello?!? I love Starbucks too but having it every day is going to increase your weight.

Some of those drinks have 300 plus calories in them. I reduces the times that I went to Starbucks to once every 3 weeks to a month. Starbucks is great but all of those drinks have additives and sugar, etcetera. Yes, it tastes great but that's where your discipline comes in handy. Sometimes you have to tell your body, "No, we're not eating/drinking that."

There are coffees , teas and slimming teas that may increase your metabolism and will help you on your weight loss journey. But again do you due diligence in research.

Your body should not constantly crave sugar. Every so often is fine. However, if your body is constantly craving sugar, that is a signal from your body that something is not right. You may need to go to the doctor to get your blood sugar levels checked. Your doctor can also do other tests to see if your body levels are in alignment. (Sometimes, a detox can fix this too. I have also used a liver supplement which stopped me from craving sugar.)

Woman Eating Bruschetta

Moderation Is The Key

So there's nothing wrong with getting cakes and sugary snacks every so often. But it should not be everyday. You have to train your body to eat food and if you're eating healthy food throughout the day, you're not going to be hungry. So let's talk about pizza... a lot of people in this country love pizza, including me. Lol! However, you cannot eat pizza every week and think you're going to keep the weight off or lose weight.

I watched this news story about this guy who fed his dog pizza almost every day and they actually showed a picture of the dog which was extremely overweight and could hardly walk. They said that it was almost animal abuse. So a new family adopted the dog. They got him off the pizza and gave him regular dog food with exercising. The before and after pictures are astounding!

Pizza also has a lot of grease and can increase your cholesterol levels plus increase your weight. So, enjoying pizza every so often is fine but it's definitely not something you should be eating every week. This goes back to the mindset that we talked about in healthy choices. Sometimes you love something, and you just have to be able to tell yourself no because you know it's not good for you. The Bible says there is a way that seems right to a man that ends in destruction. That also includes your food.

Protein Is Your Friend

You are going to need to eat protein and typically protein is found in meat. Protein helps build muscles which in turn burns fat. There are some meatless proteins that you may also want to try.

There are many things that you can eat in moderation every so often and be fine. It’s when you start eating certain things every single day that you may come into the problem. I eat red meat every so often, but I don't eat it that much. I typically eat fish such as salmon, sushi, sardines fish sticks etcetera.

I spoke to an Infectious Disease doctor regarding food choices. Infectious disease physicians treat very ill patients. They call the Infectious Disease Physician in for a patient who is extremely sick, close to death and/or they either can't figure out what's wrong. They use more aggressive treatments to save patients' lives. They are typically brilliant physicians. He told me that the healthiest food to eat for our body, especially the brain and heart, is salmon. So, I typically eat a lot of salmon.

Salads are also great, and you can add healthy things in there such as shrimp or salmon, etcetera. Now, most people don't want to eat salads all the time. However, it's still good for you to eat every so often and it will definitely help you to have success in your weight loss journey.

Baked Salmon Garnished with Asparagus and Tomatoes with Herbs
Woman Eating Salad

Eating Too Much or Not Enough?

You may be eating too much or not enough. The latter has been my problem for years. I have to force myself to eat sometimes and I'm in my 50s. So, it's not like I'm super young. Because of this reason, my body will hold on to excess fat because it's not sure when I'm going to eat again. You've probably heard nutritionists say it's best to eat 5 to 6 times a day. That also works for those who may be eating too much.

So how does that work? You eat breakfast and then an hour and a half later eat a healthy snack. Then you eat lunch and a couple hours later eat a healthy snack. Then you eat dinner and should be done all you're eating by 8:00 PM if at all possible. Remember that your body needs time to digest food and by walking around the house that will also help in terms of digestion and burning off some excess fat.

What About Eating Too Much?

That's also going to take a lot more discipline and consistency. If you're eating 5 to 6 times a day (3 meals and 2 to 3 healthy snacks), you should still lose weight. Now there are people who are emotional eaters and when they're upset, they eat. You need to recognize this about yourself if that's the case. You may need to distract yourself and do something else instead of eating. It's almost like it's a nervous habit that you automatically resort to this when something is happening. You need a disruptor in that case. You need to choose to do something else instead of eating.

Maybe, exercising can be your disruptor. Try doing an exercise like jumping jacks every time you feel as though you're upset about something. Getting your mind off of whatever that is that's triggering you to want to eat. I recommend still eating 5 to 6 times a day. If you eat 5 times a day, you shouldn't be hungry. Also, I recommend detoxing or starting a supplement that will help reduce your desire to eat sugar. Try the bone broth drink as well which tends to help people become fuller longer.

You just don't want to start a supplement that is considered weight loss that you have to stay on forever in order for it to work and/or it’s unhealthy for your body. There are healthy vitamins and nutrients that you can take that will naturally make you feel full longer especially if you're eating 5 to 6 times a day. Again, keep in mind you're eating 3 meals and two snacks. I also recommend trying to do the high intensity training. **Remember consult your doctor before you start a supplement especially if you are on medications.

Person Eating Spaghetti
Assorted Healthy Cheese and Fruits Light Snack

Snack Time!

Now when we talk about snacks, I think back to a movie where this gentleman was trying to lose weight and he was forced to eat celery sticks and hated it. Lol! If you hate what you're eating, you're not going to keep eating it.

The goal is to eat a healthy snack that you like. And believe it or not, there are healthy snacks out there that you would like. You just have to try different ones until you get to something you like. I'm not a big banana fan but I like banana chips.

I also eat nuts, but you have to be careful with nuts because they can also increase your weight. Walnuts are great for your liver though. There are healthy snacks out there that will give you that healthy boost and that you actually love eating it.

Most people love grapes, strawberries and pineapple! Also, pineapple has a properties that help you lose weight! Make sure you add pineapple to your snack list. Also making a healthy smoothie with fruits and veggies is a great snack that's filling.

Midnight snack

Night Time Snack!

There are several reasons why people may experience cravings for nighttime snacks. Firstly, it could be due to habit and routine, as individuals may have developed a pattern of snacking during the evening hours. Additionally, emotional factors such as stress, boredom, or loneliness can trigger cravings, as people often turn to food for comfort or distraction. Lastly, physiological factors like fluctuations in blood sugar levels or inadequate nutrient intake throughout the day can also contribute to cravings for nighttime snacks as the body seeks quick energy or specific nutrients.

One great snack that I have used to curb appetite and add a healthy choice is pickles, specifically petite kosher pickles. they are low in calories, which makes them a satisfying option without adding excessive energy intake late in the day. Secondly, pickles are typically high in water content, which can help keep you hydrated and promote a feeling of fullness. Lastly, pickles are often fermented, which means they contain beneficial probiotics that can support gut health and digestion. So if you have to eat a late night snack, pickles are a great option.


One thing I will say about fasting, it's mind over matter. In my church, we typically do a Daniel Fast which we only eat fruits, vegetables and water for a period of time...typically 1 month. Add fasting to your weight loss strategy. Try to eat only vegetables and fruits with water for 1 month or less it that's too long for you.

If you're grabbing a Mandarin orange and eating that, you're not going to gain as much weight as you're eating junk food and something that's not healthy for you. So, you may want to try doing that for a period of time and only eating vegetables, fruits and water. That will make you lose weight while you're still eating.

Fruit and Veggie Bowl with Fruit Oatmeal Bowl
Beautiful young Asian woman say no.

Training Your Body

But you're going to have to train your body to do what you say for it to do. And sometimes when you just say “No I’m not doing that”, your body will get in alignment with that. You have to take control over your body and your cravings.

Make sure that you finish eating before 8:00 PM because your body needs time to digest as we mentioned previously. Walking around will help you burn that excess fat. You don't want to eat and just go to bed with your body laying there without a lot of activity. It's been found that people also gain weight when they eat late at night and go right to bed.

I have actually rowed on my rower before bed and noticed that I loss 3 pounds the next morning. With implementing the High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) program on the Rower, your body is still burning fat after you stop the exercise. In that case, while I was sleeping.

Prayer Makes A Difference

I know it's easier said than done but I have been down that road in terms of having to tell my body “No, I'm not doing that”. And that's why I'm giving you this advice because it does work.

Prayer also works well and getting Jesus involved in your situation and asking Him to help you. He wants you to help you and He wants you to feel good about yourself and He wants you to have the appropriate weight.

This devotional book has helped several people with a 4.6 rating on Amazon: Healthy by design: weight loss, God's way: the Proven 21 Day Weight Loss Devotional Bible study by Cathy Morenzie.

Woman praying before eating Christmas lunch
Intermittent fasting concept

Intermittent Fasting

You may have heard of intermittent fasting which I've done in the past. It definitely works in losing weight. That's when you're only eating within an 8 hour time frame. So from the first time you eat to the last time you eat is only within 8 hours.

That's good for some people. Some people may not do able to do it because they're on medications and have to eat at certain times, etc. But again... it's a mindset change. If you can intermittent fast, I recommend trying it for at least 3 to four weeks and see if that helps you on your weight lost journey. It probably would.

But keep in mind the whole goal is to start something and continue doing it consistently so that you're not only losing the weight but keeping it off. Now is that to say that something may happen in the future and you have to get off of that routine? Maybe, and that's fine. Your doctor may say, “No, you have to start eating at different times because of whatever reason”.

Listen to your body and listen to your doctor. You just want to be consistent and have discipline to make yourself stick with your new routine even if you don't see results right away.

Food Allergy Test

I also recommend getting a food allergy test. Some people aren't aware that some foods allergies they have when they were younger are no longer an issue when they get older. You can outgrow some allergies. But also foods that you weren't allergic to when you're younger can produce allergies as you get older.

Eating foods that your body has become allergic can cause all sorts of problems and make you feel overall not well. It can also impact your weight as well. There are different labs that offer comprehensive food allergy tests such as Life Extensions. Click the link above (food allergy test) for the Life Extension Lab Test. Are these tests inexpensive? Typically not. But they do have different levels of testing. The test that I want to get, of course, is the most expensive one. Lol! That's the most comprehensive one. I believe the last time I checked, it was about $300. But they typically have some others that are less expensive.

Remember, you need to know what's going on with your body and that's a good way to let you know which foods your body likes and which ones it doesn't. When you get the test back, try to avoid the foods that are showing allergies. You may have to do that for a couple months before you start really feeling and seeing a difference in your body. But typically you will see a difference and feel better as well.

Food allergy test
Red chilli peppers

Food Allergy Detected

There was this doctor who loved Chili Peppers and had eaten them his whole life. But as he got older, he developed an allergy to Chili Peppers but didn't realize it. (Sometimes, allergies to foods and other things can be subtle.) Later, he developed psoriatic arthritis.

Being a doctor, he knew the challenges with that and he tried everything to get better and nothing seemed to work. He's a Christian and he felt the Lord tell him to get a food allergy test.

He decided to do it and realized that his body had developed allergies to Chili Peppers. He was shocked because he did not have that allergy when he was younger. So he cut out the chili peppers and the psoriatic arthritis went away! Praise God!!

Yes, that’s a miracle! Lesson Learned: Eating foods that your body has developed allergies to can cause all sorts of inflammation and other health challenges.

Vitamin and supplement

Let's Talk About Supplements...

Let's Talk About Supplements...

Body builder Drinking Water From Shaker

Energy Booster

If you are low on energy, there is no way you're going to want to exercise or even feel like exercising. If you are tired and exhausted, especially after work, it's going to be a challenge.

That is where the discipline comes in as well as the consistency. Remember, bodybuilders make sure they get in the gym even when they just don't feel like doing it. But most bodybuilders also need help to get the energy to complete their workout. They consume a pre-workout drink which helps boost their energy levels.

Energy Drinks

Energy boosting supplement/drinks. You definitely want something that's going to increase your energy so that you will want to work out especially if you're planning to do it at the end of the day after work. Keep in mind that you want something that's going to be healthy for your body and not something that's going to be harsh on your body.

But you need more energy if you don't feel that energy to do it. That's why bodybuilders do pre workout drinks or supplements that give them extra energy booths so that they all feel like working out. In terms of energy drinks, I found that Celsius Energy Drinks actually works well and a lot of bodybuilders drink that. They love this drink and it gives them energy boosts before working out.

There are also energy drinks such as Red Bull and other types of energy drinks. Red Bull has a 4.8 rating on Amazon with thousands of review. So, it must work for most people. I have known doctors who drink some of these drinks. I typically don't drink that but again, do your due diligence in regards to what you need to get that energy boost. Many of the supplements and drinks have caffeine in them but you want something that's healthy with caffeine and not something that's unhealthy with caffeine.

Tired young male athlete drinking energy drink while resting after workout in gym

A Good Multivitamin

When most people are younger, they have more energy because their metabolism is faster. As we get older, our metabolism slows down. I attribute this to several reasons. One thing is your body is changing. Your body operate as efficiently as it did in the past. Therefore, you should take multivitamin daily.

Our bodies may like certain multivitamins and not like others. Don't ignore your body. These supplements are made for everyone and not specifically for your body. Now, can you get a supplement that's made specifically for your body? Yes. Some doctors can order that through a specialty pharmacy, and they will create a multivitamin specifically for your body and what you need. However, it may be costly and you may just rather stick with what everybody else has. So if that's the case, you may need to try out several multivitamins before your body gets to one that it really likes.

Your body should not be worse off with the supplement but better. I tried several multivitamins before I found the one that my body really likes: Natures Truth. When I take it, I feel great. No side effects and it works well for me. Now when you're taking a multivitamin, sometimes your urine will turn yellow. That's your body expelling all the additional things in that supplement that your body doesn't need. It's kind of like a shotgun approach with taking a multivitamin because your body may not need everything in it. So your body takes what it needs and it expels what it doesn't. A good multivitamin may give you the energy that you need to work out without having to add anything else. So, make sure you are taking a good multivitamin.

Smiling Middle Aged Woman Taking Supplement Pill
Glass of Detox Water

Time To Detox?

Another reason why your metabolism may be slowing down is because you could have a toxin buildup as we discussed previously. If you have a computer that's running slow, most likely it's because you haven't cleaned off all those cookies that it picks up from one site to another. As we have gotten older, our bodies have stored up toxins from things that we have eaten and drank in the past. There are many toxins that our liver has already eliminated. However, some of these toxins are more difficult to remove.

I recommend if you're at least 40 years or older that you perform a detox of some kind. Epson salt baths are good detoxes. Massages help with detoxing. But you may need to actually complete a detox from a well reputable detox product. I have done few that have worked well for me.

The one I'm taking one now that actually gently detoxes metals and everything else that shouldn't be there out of your body. It's called a Zeolite Detox and people rave about it that after using it for a week or two that their brain fog has disappeared. I'm just starting that so I'm not seeing all the benefits yet but I do have more energy. So that helps. But just like our cars may need tune ups or extra things done to help them running more effectively, our bodies do too. We will discuss more in our Detox segment.

Need A Liver Supplement?

The liver is one of the most important working organs in your body just like the brain, heart and kidneys. The Liver metabolizes a lot of what you eat and drink and medications.

You've probably heard of someone who is alcoholic having cirrhosis of the liver. Alcohol goes through the liver as well and can be very dangerous for the liver in high volumes.

I recommend getting and using a liver supplement. I have used a liver supplement in the past off and on and it helps give you more energy and helps your liver to perform more optimally. Also, I recommend drinking cranberry juice for your kidneys as well. We need to eat and drink also for our bodies and what's good for our organs.

** Again... Check with your doctor before starting any supplements. Your doctor may want to do a LFT (Liver Function Test) first to see if it would be beneficial for you.


Cellular Health

Cellular health is a huge topic that has come about today. And science has attributed to a lot of ailments connected to your cells being sick. If your cell is sick, it's going to make your body sick. So you want your cells to be as healthy as possible.

There are a lot of supplements out there. I did find one on Amazon called Cell Food and the company has been around for decades. They have tons of reviews and it's in the 75th percentile which anyone who buys anything regularly on Amazon knows if it's 75% plus with a lot of reviews, it should be a good product. However, everyone’s body is different. Something that works well for one person, may not work well for another. So you need to do your due diligence in researching. You may want to add something to your body to help rejuvenate your cells.

Keep in mind that once you have done that lab test that we talked about earlier, you may want to add a supplement based upon what the results show. If you are vitamin D deficient which most people are, you may need to increase your vitamin D intake. Master Vitamins is a good supplement to take in addition to your multivitamin. However, too much vitamin D can be toxic to your body so you want to make sure you consult with your doctor about that. Some people think just because vitamins are vitamins, that you can take as much as possible and it's OK. That is truly not the case.

There are certain vitamins that are toxic if you go too high in levels. So you want to make sure that you look at your multivitamin to see how much is in that versus any supplements you're trying to add on. You just want to make sure that you don't take a level that's too high which can hurt your body. As the Bible says get wisdom.

**Again... Check with your doctor before starting any supplements especially if you are on medication.

Woman with Weight Loss Pills  at Home

More About Supplements

There are some supplements out there that will help you on your weight loss journey. Some are better than others and some can also yoyo your weight loss journey such as Garcinia Cambodia. I use that in the past and it worked well. However, as soon as I stopped taking it, the weight came back like a flood. Plus, research shows that Garcinia Cambodia isn't good for your liver long-term.

I have found a physician formulated probiotic touted for weight loss. However, do you due diligence in research to decide if that's something that you want to try.

I don't want to take anything that I have to take every day for the rest of my life other than maybe a multivitamin. So I don't necessarily recommend that. However, cayenne pepper supplements are healthy for your heart and body plus it gives you energy. I use Cool Cayenne so that it won't irritate my stomach. It seems to work well.

Do your due diligence and research. CLA supplements seems to work for everyone. It's safflower oils and it seems to be pretty safe and effective. People who use this swear by that you lose weight with it. Every supplement is different so you have to read the testimonials and the packaging. There's a lot of testimonials of people who said it did work for them so it probably does work if you use it consistently.

Healthy green detox drink

Let's Talk About Detoxing...

Let's Talk About Detoxing...


Detoxing: The Body Cleanser

When you get older, your metabolism slows down over time. Your body won't perform as it did when it was younger and over time our bodies build up toxins.

For you to understand this better, I use the example of a computer that I referenced earlier. If you never clear off the cookies, your computer will operate slower and slower. When you remove that excess junk that we pick up from one website to another which also is called the cookies and Computer viruses, etc., your computer will be faster and work better as it did previously. (Side Note: If you need an awesome cookie and antivirus cleaner for your computer, use Hitman Pro and Webroot together. That's the dynamic duo for your computer.)

Our body is the same way. So, everyone should detox at one point. If you've never detoxed, that may be another reason why your body is holding on to excess fat and low energy which can be fixed through detoxing. Top Recommendation: Start drinking Alkaline Water everyday and for detoxing add 1/2 of a squeezed lemon to the water. Drinking lemon water everyday will help detox your body.


The Relaxing Detox

I definitely recommend getting a massage at least once a month. Massages help to release toxins from your body. It also helps to reduce stress on your body. An additional benefit for women is that it helps eliminate and reduce Cellulite. There are so many benefits to getting a massage.

Stress does a lot to impact your body. Massages help you to feel more relaxed and get rid of the toxins at the same time. Make sure after you get a massage that you always drink a lot of water to help the toxins clear your body. I typically drink water. However, one time I forgot and became very sick. When I went back to my masseuse and told her what happened, she said, “Well, did you drink the water?” I said “No.” She said “How do you think the toxins are washed out of your body? It is through you drinking water.” Never made that mistake again. Lol!

So you definitely want to drink a lot of water after you get a massage and also when you're detoxifying.

Man relaxing in the bath

Epson Salt Baths

Another detoxing activity that you need to add is Epson salt baths. Epson salt is made of magnesium, and it helps to draw the toxins out of your body. It has also been attributed to weight loss.

Most Americans are magnesium deficient so adding Epsom salt bath is very important in detoxifying your body. Depending on how many toxins you have or how tight your body is, you may need more the normal amounts of Epsom salt bath.

Typically because of my stress level, my masseuse will say 3 – 4 pounds which is almost half the bag of Epsom salt! I wouldn’t recommend that you start with that much. You may want to start with 3 cups in warmer water. The water needs to be a little hotter for the granules to melt. Try not to make it too hot but enough to melt the granules and relax your muscles. Add some relaxing music and a scented candle. I'm not typically a bath person but I love this!

How long should you remain in the bath? Typically, 20 to 30 minutes. You should feel so much more relaxed when you get out. Magnesium also helps you to sleep better so it helps with sleep. Sometimes if I get a migraine, I will get in an Epsom salt bath, and it helps eliminate the headache as well. You may want to do this every other week for a month or two and see how your body feels.

Detoxing Smoothies

I remember everyone telling me how great smoothies were and I just wasn't into smoothies at all. But then one of my friends lost about 4 dress sizes saying that she would drink 1 to 2 smoothies a day and then just a meal. I'm like "Okaaay." (I was just a little skeptical). And then she would rave about all of the vegetables and everything that was in it and it was so great.

So I decided to go to Tropical Smoothie and a couple of those smoothies I really loved. So then I decided to start making my own. I found this great book that had awesome smoothies for weight loss. It's called the "10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 10 Days!" I did this and I lost weight. It really works. It has a 4.7 rating on Amazon with over 37,000 reviews!! Check it out by clicking the link for the book.

I also purchased another book by the same author also has a 4.7 rating on Amazon with over 6,000 reviews. It's called "Green Smoothies For Life".

green smoothie
Olive Oil and Olives

Liver Detox

I am sharing a lot of my experiences with you because it's always good to hear what someone else did and how it worked for them. However, each of our bodies are different; so one thing may work for one person but not for another. Read the review and decide if it would be good for you.

That being said, I had an awesome liver detox through Global Healing.

It definitely was a little bit of a process but I felt better overall. It looks like Global Healing’s Liver Detox has changed since I completed it. Click on the link if you want to check it out.

Plank exercise

Let's Talk About Exercising...

Let's Talk About Exercising...


Truth About Exercising & Weight Loss

You have to do more than what you're doing in order to lose weight. Therefore, you need to add additional exercises to what you're already doing if you're already doing certain exercises consistently and still not seeing weight loss.

All of the other things we talked about are up to you but if you add those things that I recommended, you will see weight loss. You will need to be consistent in your exercising and weight training even if you're not seeing results right away in order to finally see results.

High intensity training also known as HIIT. This is the most effective type of exercise because your body is still burning fat after you stop exercising. There are a multitude of cardio exercises, but I'm going to talk about one of the simplest.

I'm also going to put a link for this walk/run treadmill that is reasonable in cost and should be effective in helping you lose weight consistently and keep it off if you keep doing it. This one doesn't have handles but great reviews.

So how do you do it? You walk for two minutes and then you run or jog for 30 seconds and then you walk for two minutes, etc. You keep doing this consistently for as long as you feel as though your body can deal with it. If you just started doing this you may want to start a half a mile and then work your way up to 2, 3, 4 or 5 miles eventually.

Pace Yourself & Gradually Increase

Please do not start off with 5 miles if you're not used to walking 5 miles. Start with something small just like a bodybuilder. They don't go in to the gym for the first time and lift the 300 pound weights. They may go in initially lift a 50 pound weight. They may do that consistently for two weeks to a month and then start lifting the next heavier pound weight.

Rome was not built in a day. Start with something small like maybe a mile if you can handle that. You may want to do that consistently for 3 weeks and then move to the next level up. You have to do what's good for your body and be safe. Don't forget to stay hydrated. Getting a Runner's kit may be beneficial. It contains a 6 oz water bottle, zippered belt to keep valuables (keys, phone, etc.) and arm bands.

Some people prefer to walk outside and some people prefer just to do it at home on a treadmill. Either way is good. Make sure you are keeping track of the miles your walking/running. The goal is to get up to 5 miles if at all possible.

Again, if you're much older, that may be too much for you and maybe two or 3 miles is your optimal time and distance of doing it. If you can do 2 miles a day, you're going to lose weight. But remember again to listen to your body. If your body after a quarter of a mile is saying please stop, then stop. A body builder doesn't lift up 300 pounds again the first day they go in. They start low and they progress overtime. Listen to your body! Also, if you're sick, you don't need to be in the gym. You shouldn't be sick every day though ;-). But it's OK to miss a day if you have to.

Older couple exercising outdoors
Woman on Indoor Rowing Machine

Rowing The Calories Away

If you're not able to walk or run, another optimal piece of exercise equipment is a Rower. It's lower impact and actually you can lose more calories faster on a Rower than you can walking or running.

I set my Rower for the high intensity training program. I can lose 600 calories which is equivalent to running 5 miles for most people in 25 minutes on my Rower. It would take me a lot longer to run 5 miles if I was running it. So, you can lose just as much if not more weight on your Rower if you're doing high intensity training then you can running it. I have the Stamina Rower. I purchased it from QVC and paid over time.

So that's an optimal choice as well. Rowers don't really cost that much. Click the Rower links or visit the Resource page to see some options. Click the links for some options that you can check out. Keep in mind you may want to use Klarna or Affirm to break up the payment over time if the site doesn't have payment options if you need that.

How Many Exercises & How Many Times?

How many exercises to do?

For me, 3 is typically the golden number and I get that from weight training too.

I will do 3 types of exercises for 25 rotations. So in other words, I will do jumping jacks 25 times or lunges each side 25 times, etcetera.

I typically choose 3 exercises to do and sometimes more but 3 is an optimal number.

Jumping Jacks For Blood Flow
Weight Training

Let's Talk About

Weight Training...

Let's Talk About

Weight Training...

Weight Training

Cardiovascular or walking and aerobic activities can be done every day. Weight training cannot. You need to do weight training every other day unless you're working on different body parts on different days. For instance, you may work on your arms and core one day and then the next day work on your legs. So it should be every other day for your body parts.

If you complete a full workout on day one, you should not do another full workout until day 3. You need to skip a day in between. Why? Because when you are lifting weights, your actually tearing your muscle fibers and your muscles have to rebuild. When it rebuilds, it's building itself to adjust to the weight that you were lifting previously. So, you want to consistently use the same weights for a while until you move up to the next level. We have to work with your body and not against it.

For weight training, I typically do that in 3 increments as well. I may have an strength training movement that I work on with my arms, core and legs. Let me explain weight training lingo. A repetition is how many times you do one movement in weight training. If I have the weight at rest in my hands to work my arms and then I push it up to the sky and then bring it back down, that's one rep which stands for repetition. So, you will typically complete so many reps (7 - 12) which would be contained in 1 set. Most people will do 3 sets for each weight training movement. You decide what the number of repetitions you want to do.

Lifting Heavier Weights

Now typically if you are lifting a heavier weight, you wouldn't do as many repetitions because your body typically just can't handle it and you don't want to hurt your body either. There are bodybuilders who may lift a 300 pounds weight 1 time and that's it. The heavier the weight, the less the repetitions. Now unless you want to be a bodybuilder, I would not recommend lifting very heavy weights. Most people want to be toned, so in toning you would do more repetitions with less heavy weights. The point is that you should do 3 sets.

Let's say that we are going to do 10 repetitions in this weight training movement. So, that's really not just 10 we're going to be doing. We're going to be doing 30 because you are doing 3 sets. After the first set, which for our example would be 10 repetitions, you would rest and hydrate for at least 1 to 2 minutes. Don’t forget to stay hydrated. Then after you rest, you would complete the set again which is 10 more repetitions. Then you rest for another 1 to 2 minutes. You would complete a 3rd set.

Women on weight training
Weight Training Woman

Weight Training Goals

Now if I'm lifting a heavier weights, I may actually do a 5 rep set which is 5 reps in 1 set. I would only do the rep 15 times (3 sets). The goal is not to choose the weight that's so heavy that you can't get all the repetitions completed.

In toning, again it would be less heavier weights but more repetitions. Now the heavier the weight, also the stronger the burn which is burning that fat as well. But you don't want to look muscular if you're a woman. Some men want to look cut and so they will lift heavy weights with shorter reps. So I recommend something kind of in between like 7 to 8 reps in a set. That is ideal for a weight that may be a little bit heavier but not too heavy. You're not trying to hurt yourself.

So for me, I may use my 8 pound dumbbells and complete 8 to 10 reps in a set and try to make sure I complete 3 sets. Remember you need to rest between sets. If it's too heavy as you're going along, you can always change to a lower weight and finish up. Just don't overdo it and listen to your body.

Weight Training Wall Charts

I actually bought some wall charts that have different weight exercises from Amazon. I recommend you get these because you can put them on your wall and then decide on which body part you want to work on each time you exercise.

If you know that you're not going to be able to be consistent in doing your weight training every other day because you would just fall off, then you may just want to do it every day and just work on different body parts every other day.

Now cardio such as crunches, you can do something like that every day if you want to. But weight training is every other day unless you are working on different body parts each day i.e. core and legs one day and arms and chest the next day.

Weight training
Old Woman Exercising with Dumbbells

Start Where You Can

Now let's say that walking or other activities are not good for you right now and that you can't do it for whatever reason. I recommend getting some 3 to 5 pound weights or resistance bands that you keep by your side. If you're watching TV and the commercial comes on, take a goal of getting that weight and lifting it up so many times during the commercial break. As you continue to do that, you will start building muscle and remember building muscle burns fat. So the goal is to get started in some way.

Also those vibration plates are really good also in helping your circulation. Many times people will use those for their planks. So you may just want to put your feet on those vibration plates for the recommended time. Read the instructions. That will also help you in your weight loss journey. Remember that you want to do something. Because doing the same thing, we'll only get you the same results.

Exercise equipment on a blue background

Hot Resources To Speed Up Your Weight Loss Journey

Hot Resources To Speed Up Your Weight Loss Journey

Fitness Equipment Background
Fit Woman Standing With Hands on Hip

Remember...You Can Do This!!

I pray this has been a blessing to you all and if you do this consistently, you will lose weight, keep it off and look great!! I would love to get your testimonials and also your before and after pictures with the time differential. I would love to see this and it's motivating knowledge to you but to everyone else who sees it.

I'm praying for you guys! Jesus loves you and has great plans for your life! Keep Him involved in your weight loss journey and He will help you to do everything better.

Remember, you should consult a doctor before starting any exercise program and or supplements. Anything you feel like you need to talk to your doctor about, please do. Don't forget to listen to your body!